#șîeu În România așa sună azi democrația!
Astăzi, România a fost blocată pentru câteva minute. În centrul Bucureștiului, în fața Guvernului României, traficul a fost blocat de voința celor care au participat activ la un eveniment de susținere a proiectului autostrăzii ce va lega Transilvania de Moldova, o autostradă pe care ne-o dorim până dincolo de Chișinău.
Unitatea noastră și integrarea europeană trebuie realizate prin lucruri concrete, nu strigate și folosite în scopuri electorale.
Felicitări tuturor celor care au participat la acest eveniment, un model de implicare civică pentru ambele maluri de Prut!
Felicitări tuturor celor care au participat la acest eveniment, un model de implicare civică pentru ambele maluri de Prut!
#Șîeu in Romania so sounds democracy today!
Today Romania was blocked for a few minutes In the centre of Bucharest, before the government of Romania, traffic was blocked by the will of those who actively participated in an event to support the highway project that will tie Transylvania To Moldova, a highway that we want until beyond chisinau.
Our unity and European integration must be achieved through concrete things, not shouting and used for electoral purposes.
Congratulations to all who participated in this event, a model of civic involvement for both shores of prut!
Today Romania was blocked for a few minutes In the centre of Bucharest, before the government of Romania, traffic was blocked by the will of those who actively participated in an event to support the highway project that will tie Transylvania To Moldova, a highway that we want until beyond chisinau.
Our unity and European integration must be achieved through concrete things, not shouting and used for electoral purposes.
Congratulations to all who participated in this event, a model of civic involvement for both shores of prut!
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