Payoneer is an awesome service that provides a US virtual bank account where you can receive payments from companies worldwide. You can then use the provided debit card to withdraw cash from your account at any ATM machines in the world. Anyone can sign up for free just like Paypal. The good news? If you sign up using this referral link, Payoneer gives you $25 free sign up bonus once you get paid $1000 in your account.
1) With Payoneer account you can receive payments from top freelancing websites such as Odesk, Elance, Freelancer, Fiverr, ShareASale, Commission Junction (CJ) and many more. Payoneer allows professionals and small businesses in more than 200 countries to receive payments from U.S. companies with no bank account required. You don’t need to be in the USA, or have a US-based bank account.
2) With Payoneer account you can get payments from renowned publishing/affiliate networks, such as Plimus, Adfly and Infolinks.
3) With Payoneer account, you can enable US payment and withdraw your e-currencies such as Paypal, Moneybookers, Payza and also ebay/Amazon Associates at any ATM in the world.
4) Use your Payoneer to buy anything online or use it at any shop, restaurants and market.
Get paid by your global clients easily and at low cost with Payoneer!
Collect payments from marketplaces like Upwork and Fiverr with Payoneer!
Bill your global clients and get paid directly with Payoneer!
Working on freelance platforms? Get paid with Payoneer!
Payoneer makes it easy for professionals to collect payments from their global clients
Sign up for a FREE Payoneer account and start collecting global payments!
Bill your clients, send payment reminders and collect payments easily with Payoneer!
Bill your clients worldwide, collect funds in your local bank account!
Collect payments from marketplaces like Upwork and Fiverr with Payoneer!
Bill your global clients and get paid directly with Payoneer!
Working on freelance platforms? Get paid with Payoneer!
Payoneer makes it easy for professionals to collect payments from their global clients
Sign up for a FREE Payoneer account and start collecting global payments!
Bill your clients, send payment reminders and collect payments easily with Payoneer!
Bill your clients worldwide, collect funds in your local bank account!
Once you have Payoneer account, you can get payment of your freelancing jobs, payment withdrawal solution from to e-currencies firms and payments from renowned ad publishing or affiliate networks.
If you sign up on Payoneer using my referral link, Payoneer will give you $25 free bonus whenever your Payoneer account reaches $1000 in total. You can make your account reach $1000 by getting paid by freelancing and affiliate marketing companies directly on your Payoneer account! Once you have received $1000 in payments, Payoneer will add an extra $25 to your account as the refer a friend reward. Click on the image below or use the red links to open Payoneer referral bonus page and sign up today.
Payoneer offers a $25 bonus to both parties via the Payoneer Refer A Friend program when a current member refers a new member to get a Payoneer debit card.
The Payoneer Refer A Friend Program offers both parties a $25 bonus. If you are a current member, you can earn $25 for each referral who signs up and receives at least $100 in payments to their card. Newly referred members also receive a $25 bonus after they receive at least $1000 in payments on their new account. Win-win situation for both parties!
The $25 referral bonuses will be added to both the referrer and referee Payoneer accounts within 30 business days of meeting the qualifications. There is no limit to the number of referral bonuses that a current member can receive. This $25 referral bonus is only available for the Payoneer, and it is not available for Payoneer’s Global Bank Transfer program or for Direct Deposits (ACH).
Anyone, anywhere in the world, who is referred for their card by a cardholder will get $25 free of charge. You will get your bonus after you have been paid the first $100 from any of the payment gateways, that is, Moneybookers or Paypal or any of the other partners like oDesk, Elance and to name a few.
PayPal and Moneybookers have long process and huge fees. After you get paid, you have to transfer money from Paypal to your local bank for processing. This means that the local bank takes its cut too, from your funds. Rather than using Paypal, it is much more cost and time effective to use Payoneer.
When you use Payoneer, the process is short and quick. As soon as you get paid, you can simply use your Payoneer at any ATM machine in the world to withdraw cash. Another thing is that anyone can load your card with funds. You can load the card with funds too (even from Paypal) to buy stuff and services online or anywhere a MasterCard is accepted!
This is the best part. All Payoneer holders get free US virtual bank account with Payoneer. We can use it to receive affiliate/free-lancing payments from US/European companies.
The $25 bonus is added to your account as soon as you get paid $100 in your account. All partner payments and U.S. Payment Service payments count toward the $100 threshold, but card to card transfers and private loads are not included in the $100 requirement to earn the $25 referral bonus.
My name is Andrei Plop and I am from Moldova. I graduated from the Faculty of International Relations (ULIM) , I studied at the Romanian – American University, the Faculty of Law. Also, I graduated from the Faculty of International Relations a master student of the SNSPA,. I was nominated to take part in the parliament elections in 2009( RM). If i had to describe myself in three words, they would be passionate about learning, hard working and ambitious.
Training of elites at the most prestigious schools of the world together with the democratization and economic reforms in a state may lead to the creation of the basis for a viable state. Current realities require improvement of the methods, instruments, and strategies available for my country. They are necessary for facing challenges and risks and for establishing clear and precise lines of action in the following spheres: political-administrative, social, educational, research, culture, national security and public order in the foreign policy. In this situation, people need a support and this can only come from leaders of society, particularly political leaders. They need to exhale the force that protects the vulnerable people and enables people with initiative to press the accelerator for maximizing profits. Reforms are needed to completely change the social order and institutions. It is known that as the people get older, they become more conservative. In contrast a youth easily adapts to new trends or political projects.
I am fully supporting and sharing ideas of democracy, freedom of thought and expression willing to devote my life and carrier to promote them around the world and particularly in my country. Gaining multicultural experience from my previous projects was incredible. Immersion in foreign environments provided me an important source of inspiration, enthusiasm and new friends. My dream is to live in a world with a multitude of cultures and languages; where people can live in freedom of thought and freedom of expression. I am really willing to make the sacrifices needed to make this change. Sincerely, Andrei Plop
07/04/2014–04/07/2014 International Parliamentary Internship Program, Warsaw (Poland) 07/2016–10/2016 One World Center (Denmark) EDUCATION AND TRAINING 09/2007–08/2010 Faculty of History and International Relations Free International University of Moldova, Chisinau (ULIM)
10/2013–08/2015 Department of International Relations and European Integration, Conflict Analysis and Resolution National School of Political Science and Public Administration, Bucharest (Romania)
10/2012–08/2016 Faculty of Law Romanian-American University, Bucharest (Romania)
▪ WSCFE: Encountering the Other – Community building and ecumenical leadership training in Central and Eastern Europe ( July 2013) ▪
JCI – Succes in Romania ( 2012-2013);A mentorship programme designed for students of Romanian origin, born abroad, who come to Romania to pursue their academic studies. ▪
Letter of Confirmation by Wolfgang Behrendt, Head of Delegation of the European Union to Moldova ▪
European Leadership Academy, AEGIS Consulting (Chisinau, Moldova, 2009- 2010);
▪ Foundation for reforms in justice, security and defense (Chisinau, Moldova, 2009-2010). ▪ Inter-university Student Conference at CID NATO, “Strategic Concept of NATO and its role in providing security in the Euro-Atlantic” ( Chisinau, Moldova – 2010) ;
▪ International Taekwon-do Championship ALTAIR (Chisinau, Moldova) – 2nd place;
▪ National Taekwon-do Championship (Chisinau, Moldova) – 2nd place;
▪ National Taekwon-do Championship (Chisinau, Moldova) – 3rd place.
High School
Diploma for the best dancer (national dance, Latin dance)
Diploma for Best Actor
Diploma for active participation in extracurricular activities
Mam na imię Andrei Plop i pochodzę z Rumunii. Ukończyłem studia licencjackie (ULIM) ,magisterskie na Wydziale Stosunków Międzynarodowych (SNSPA), drugich studiów licencjackich na kieruneku Prawo w Romanian – American University. W 2009 byłem nominowany do wzięcia udziału w wyborach do parlamentu. Gdybym miał się zwięźle opisać, powiedziałbym o sobie: jestem ambitny, pracowity oraz lubię się uczyć. Szkolenie elit w najbardziej prestiżowych szkołach na świecie w połączeniu z demokracją i ekonomicznymi reformami może poprowadzić kraj do stworzenia podstaw prowadzących do sukcesów w gospodarce państwa. Obecne realia wymagają udoskonalenia metod, instrumentów i strategii w moim kraju. W pełni popieram i dzielę ideę demokracji, wolności do wyrażania swoich myśli i chcę poświęcić swoje życie i karierę do promowania wyżej wymienionych wartości na świecie, a szczególnie w moim kraju.
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