16 ianuarie 2019
16 ianuarie 2019
Statele Unite îndeamnă la un proces electoral liber și echitabil înaintea alegerilor parlamentare din februarie din Moldova
Statele Unite îndeamnă autoritățile din Moldova să întreprindă toate măsurile necesare pentru a asigura un proces electoral liber și corect și un rezultat transparent, care să respecte voința alegătorilor din Moldova. Încurajăm guvernul să pună în aplicare recomandările prealabile pentru Moldova ale Oficiului pentru instituțiile democratice și drepturile omului (ODIHR) al OSCE, care rămân încă neimplementate. Autoritățile locale și naționale trebuie să le asigure candidaților posibilitatea de a se înregistra pentru a participa la alegeri și de a-și desfășura campaniile fără teamă de hărțuire sau atacuri fizice. Instituțiile mass-media ar trebui să ofere un acces egal tuturor candidaților și să reflecte campaniile într-o manieră echitabilă, echilibrată și imparțială, în conformitate cu legislația mass-media din Moldova. În cele din urmă, credem că scopul tuturor partidelor și al candidaților este același – să asigure un viitor prosper și democratic pentru Moldova și cetățenii ei. Statele Unite vor continua să ajute poporul Moldovei să atingă acest obiectiv.
16 января 2019 г.
16 января 2019 г.
Соединенные Штаты призывают к проведению свободного и справедливого избирательного процесса в преддверии парламентских выборов в Молдове
Соединенные Штаты призывают молдавские власти принять все необходимые меры для обеспечения свободного и справедливого избирательного процесса и прозрачного результата, который бы отражал волю молдавских избирателей. Мы призываем правительство выполнить предыдущие рекомендации Бюро по демократическим институтам и правам человека (ODIHR) ОБСЕ в отношении Молдовы, которые остаются невыполненными. Местные и национальные власти должны обеспечить кандидатам возможность зарегистрироваться для участия в выборах и проводить свои кампании, не опасаясь преследований или физических нападений. Средства массовой информации должны предоставить равный доступ всем кандидатам и подходить к освещению их кампаний на справедливой, сбалансированной и беспристрастной основе, в соответствии с законодательством Республики Молдова о СМИ. В конечном счете, мы считаем, что цель всех партий и кандидатов одна и та же - обеспечить процветающее и демократическое будущее Молдове и ее гражданам. Соединенные Штаты будут продолжать помогать молдавскому народу в достижении этой цели.
January 16, 2019
January 16, 2019
United States Urges a Free and Fair Electoral Process Ahead of Moldova’s February Parliamentary Elections
The United States urges the Moldovan authorities to take all necessary measures to ensure a free and fair electoral process and a transparent outcome that respects the will of Moldovan voters. We encourage the government to implement OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) prior recommendations for Moldova that remain outstanding. Local and national authorities should ensure that candidates are able to register to participate in the elections and carry out their campaigns without fear of harassment or physical harm. Media outlets should provide equal access to all candidates and approach their coverage in a fair, balanced, and impartial manner, consistent with Moldova’s media laws. Ultimately, we believe, the goal of all the parties and candidates is the same, ensuring a prosperous and democratic future for Moldova and its citizens. The United States will continue to help the Moldovan people achieve this goal.
My name is Andrei Plop and I am from Moldova. I graduated from the Faculty of International Relations (ULIM) , I studied at the Romanian – American University, the Faculty of Law. Also, I graduated from the Faculty of International Relations a master student of the SNSPA,. I was nominated to take part in the parliament elections in 2009( RM). If i had to describe myself in three words, they would be passionate about learning, hard working and ambitious.
Training of elites at the most prestigious schools of the world together with the democratization and economic reforms in a state may lead to the creation of the basis for a viable state. Current realities require improvement of the methods, instruments, and strategies available for my country. They are necessary for facing challenges and risks and for establishing clear and precise lines of action in the following spheres: political-administrative, social, educational, research, culture, national security and public order in the foreign policy. In this situation, people need a support and this can only come from leaders of society, particularly political leaders. They need to exhale the force that protects the vulnerable people and enables people with initiative to press the accelerator for maximizing profits. Reforms are needed to completely change the social order and institutions. It is known that as the people get older, they become more conservative. In contrast a youth easily adapts to new trends or political projects.
I am fully supporting and sharing ideas of democracy, freedom of thought and expression willing to devote my life and carrier to promote them around the world and particularly in my country. Gaining multicultural experience from my previous projects was incredible. Immersion in foreign environments provided me an important source of inspiration, enthusiasm and new friends. My dream is to live in a world with a multitude of cultures and languages; where people can live in freedom of thought and freedom of expression. I am really willing to make the sacrifices needed to make this change. Sincerely, Andrei Plop
07/04/2014–04/07/2014 International Parliamentary Internship Program, Warsaw (Poland) 07/2016–10/2016 One World Center (Denmark) EDUCATION AND TRAINING 09/2007–08/2010 Faculty of History and International Relations Free International University of Moldova, Chisinau (ULIM)
10/2013–08/2015 Department of International Relations and European Integration, Conflict Analysis and Resolution National School of Political Science and Public Administration, Bucharest (Romania)
10/2012–08/2016 Faculty of Law Romanian-American University, Bucharest (Romania)
▪ WSCFE: Encountering the Other – Community building and ecumenical leadership training in Central and Eastern Europe ( July 2013) ▪
JCI – Succes in Romania ( 2012-2013);A mentorship programme designed for students of Romanian origin, born abroad, who come to Romania to pursue their academic studies. ▪
Letter of Confirmation by Wolfgang Behrendt, Head of Delegation of the European Union to Moldova ▪
European Leadership Academy, AEGIS Consulting (Chisinau, Moldova, 2009- 2010);
▪ Foundation for reforms in justice, security and defense (Chisinau, Moldova, 2009-2010). ▪ Inter-university Student Conference at CID NATO, “Strategic Concept of NATO and its role in providing security in the Euro-Atlantic” ( Chisinau, Moldova – 2010) ;
▪ International Taekwon-do Championship ALTAIR (Chisinau, Moldova) – 2nd place;
▪ National Taekwon-do Championship (Chisinau, Moldova) – 2nd place;
▪ National Taekwon-do Championship (Chisinau, Moldova) – 3rd place.
High School
Diploma for the best dancer (national dance, Latin dance)
Diploma for Best Actor
Diploma for active participation in extracurricular activities
Mam na imię Andrei Plop i pochodzę z Rumunii. Ukończyłem studia licencjackie (ULIM) ,magisterskie na Wydziale Stosunków Międzynarodowych (SNSPA), drugich studiów licencjackich na kieruneku Prawo w Romanian – American University. W 2009 byłem nominowany do wzięcia udziału w wyborach do parlamentu. Gdybym miał się zwięźle opisać, powiedziałbym o sobie: jestem ambitny, pracowity oraz lubię się uczyć. Szkolenie elit w najbardziej prestiżowych szkołach na świecie w połączeniu z demokracją i ekonomicznymi reformami może poprowadzić kraj do stworzenia podstaw prowadzących do sukcesów w gospodarce państwa. Obecne realia wymagają udoskonalenia metod, instrumentów i strategii w moim kraju. W pełni popieram i dzielę ideę demokracji, wolności do wyrażania swoich myśli i chcę poświęcić swoje życie i karierę do promowania wyżej wymienionych wartości na świecie, a szczególnie w moim kraju.
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